Pediatric Electronic Quality of Life Instrument for Children with Asthma (The Pelican)
Measure domains: Symptoms, Triggers, Activity Limitation, Mental and Emotional Impact, and Impact on Social Life
Summary of development:
This pediatric asthma HRQoL instrument was developed in the Netherlands and is designed for children to answer electronically. The researchers to hold focus groups with asthmatic children to determine what aspects of HRQoL are important to them and analyze the common themes they observed. As a result of the focus group interviews, the researchers determined the most important issues were limitations of activities, symptoms, impact on social life, limitations due to environmental triggers, and mental and emotional impacts of the disease (van der Bemt 2010). The questionnaire is presented as a web-based computer game with questions that are read aloud. The measure was developed in Dutch and the only psychometric testing we found was also in Dutch, so not included here.
Van den Bem, L., Kooijman, S., Linssen, V., Lucassen, P., Muris, J., Slabbers, G., et al. (2010). How does asthma influence the daily life of children? Results of focus group interviews. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 8, 5.
Additional information
PQL Condition | Asthma |
Measurement Type | Rasch/Item Response Theory |
Number of Items | 23 |
Time Frame/Recall Period | Past week |
Overall Score | Yes |
Sub scores/Subscales | Symptoms, Triggers, Activity Limitation, Mental and Emotional Impact, and Impact on Social Life |
Ages | 6-11 |
Respondent | Self |
Languages | Others |
Development Used Experts | Van der Bemt 2010 |
Development Used Patient | Van der Bemt 2010 |
Measure Website | None found |
Licensing | None found |
Fees | None found |