Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ)
Measure domains: Symptoms, Activity Limitation, Emotional Function
Summary of development: The creators of the Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) took common symptoms experienced by people with asthma and asked 100 children with different degrees of asthma severity about which ones they have experienced. The children were asked to rate each symptom experienced on a scale of 1-5 with a higher number indicating a higher symptom burden. From this, the developers took the most common symptoms reported and used them to build the PAQLQ. The instrument contained 3 domains (activity limitation, symptoms, and emotional function) with 23 items. The measure was tested with children with asthma and their parents at asthma clinics and responses were recorded at baseline, 1 week later, 5 weeks later, and 9 weeks later. The instrument was responsive to change and able to discriminate different health states (Juniper 1996).
Juniper, E.F., Guyatt, G.H., Feeny, D.H., Ferrie, P.J., Griffith, L.E. and Townsend, M., 1996. Measuring quality of life in children with asthma. Quality of life research, 5, pp.35-46.
Additional information
PQL Condition | Asthma |
Measurement Type | Classical Test Theory |
Number of Items | 23 |
Time Frame/Recall Period | Past week |
Overall Score | Yes |
Sub scores/Subscales | Symptoms, Activity Limitation, Emotional Function |
Ages | 7-17 |
Respondent | Self |
Languages | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Others, Spanish, Vietnamese |
Development Used Experts | Juniper 1996 |
Development Used Patient | Juniper 1996 |
Internal Consistency | Juniper 1996 |
Test-Retest Reliability | Juniper 1996 |
Known Groups Validity | Juniper 1996 |
Responsive to Change | Juniper 1996 |
Estimate of Important Difference | Juniper 1996 |
Measure Website |, |
Licensing | Yes |
Fees | Yes; contact E. Juniper for permission to use the instrument |