Family Profile II
Developed to assess family functioning across 12 dimensions to identify areas of “strength” and “need” to guide families and practitioners in “family life education.” Twelve areas include: kindness, unkindness, communication, disengagement, enmeshed, bridging, financial management, self-reliance, work orientation, daily chores, sacred orientation, rituals, quality of family relationships, which and encompassed within 3 dimensions: family process, external resources, family management. Can be completed by > 1 family member to create a visual depiction of family across the 12 subscales. Psychometrically tested.
Lee, T.R., Burr, W.R., Beutler, I.F., Yorgason, F., Harker, H.B., & Olsen, J.A. (1997).The family profile II: A self-scored, brief family assessment tool. Psychological Reports, 81, 467-477.
Original version (replaced by version II): Lee T.R. & Goddard W.A. (1989) Developing family relationship skills to prevent substance abuse among high-risk youth. Family Relations, 38, 301–305.
Additional information
Construct | Family functioning |
Condition | No specific condition |
Age | Any |
Country Where Developed | United States |
Number of Items | 58 |
Subscales | Bridging, Communication, Daily chores, Disengagement, Enmeshed, Financial management, Kindness, Quality of family relationships, Rituals, Sacred orientation, Self-reliance, Unkindness, Work orientation |
Short Form? | No |
Respondent | Any family members (any age) |
Language(s) | English |
Cost/Fee | No cost |
How to Access | Available in Appendix 1 of (Lee, et al., 1997) |