Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT)


Measure domains:  Symptom Control and Future Risk

Summary of development:  The Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) is modeled after the adult version of the ACT instrument for people 12 years of age and older (Juniper 1999). Childhood allergy and asthma experts came up with questions for the measure based on national guidelines for asthma control. Literature and previous childhood asthma measures were reviewed, and interviews with children and caregivers were conducted (Liu 2007). Parents/caregivers and children rank their symptoms differently, so this measure is designed for both kids and their parents to complete. Because younger children have a harder time with recall periods, children’s questions are asked in the present tense; caregivers answer based on a four-week recall period. This measure uses pictures of faces to represent answers like “All of the time” or “Very bad” to “None of the time” and “Very good” for younger children to more easily comprehend. Originally tested by children with asthma and their caregivers with 21 items – 8 questions for children, and 13 questions for caregivers – the C-ACT questionnaire used item selection to reduce the measure to 7 questions – 4 for children and 3 for caregivers (Liu 2007).

Liu, A. H., Zeiger, R., Sorkness, C., Mahr, T., Ostrom, N., Burgess, S., Rosenzweig, J. C., & Manjunath, R. (2007). Development and cross-sectional validation of the Childhood Asthma Control Test. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 119(4), 817–825.




Additional information

PQL Condition


Measurement Type

Classical Test Theory

Number of Items

4 for children, 3 for caregivers, 7

Time Frame/Recall Period

Present day for children; 4 weeks for caregiver

Overall Score


Sub scores/Subscales

SYmptom control and future risk




Self and Caregiver complete together


Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Others, Spanish, Vietnamese

Development Used Experts

Liu 2007

Development Used Patient

Liu 2007

Internal Consistency

Liu 2007

Known Groups Validity

Liu 2007; Guilbert 2011; Hernandez 2015

Convergent Validity with Other Measures

Liu 2007; Welch 2007; Guilbert 2011

Estimate of Important Difference

Liu 2010

Measure Website

Official C-ACT or cACT | Childhood Asthma Control Test distributed by Mapi Research Trust | ePROVIDE ( (Link to test): Introduction (


C-ACT Copyright © 2005 GSK

