Adolescent Health Utility Measure (AHUM)

Generic measure

Measure domains: self-care, pain, mobility (limitations walking around), perceptions of strenuous activities, self-image, and health perceptions.

Summary of development: The goal of Beusterien & colleagues (2012) was to develop a multi-attribute measure, the adolescent health utility measure (AHUM) that focuses on key impacts of treatment for chronic conditions among older children and adolescents. The measure was based on the CHQ, EQ5D, and SF6D, as well as parent and child interviews.

It is important to note that health utility scales that are made in the econometric tradition, such as the AHUM, do not necessarily need psychometric testing such as internal consistency or structural validity.  For these measures, other types of validity such as known groups validity and convergent validity may be useful.

Beusterien et al. Development of the multi-attribute Adolescent Health Utility Measure (AHUM). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2012; 10:102. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-10-102

Additional information

PQL Condition


Number of Items


Time Frame/Recall Period


Measurement Type

Utility Score

Overall Score


Sub scores/Subscales

health perceptions, mobility, pain, Self-care, self-image, strenuous activities







Development Used Experts

Beusterien, 2012

Development Used Patient

Beusterien, 2012

Structural Validity

None found

Internal Consistency

None found

Test-Retest Reliability

None found

Inter-rater Agreement

None found

Known Groups Validity

meets criteria–Beusterien, 2012

Convergent Validity with Other Measures

None found

Divergent Validity with Other Measures

None found

Responsive to Change

meets criteria–Beusterien, 2012

Estimate of Important Difference

None found

Measure Website

None found


None found


None found