Adolescent Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire
Measure domains: Symptoms, Medication, Physical Activities, Emotion, Social Interactions, Positive Effects
Summary of development: Rutishauser et al. created a measure designed to be self-reported by adolescents (ages 12-17)(Rutishauser 1998). Children with asthma aged 12-17 were recruited from Asthma clinics and interviewed to determine relevant items for the measure. Item reduction and validation was used to improve the measure.
Rutishauser C, Sawyer SM, Bond L, Coffey C, Bowes G. Development and validation of the Adolescent Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AAQOL). Eur Respir J. 2001 Jan;17(1):52-8. doi: 10.1183/09031936.01.17100520. PMID: 11307755.
Additional information
PQL Condition | Asthma |
Measurement Type | Classical Test Theory |
Number of Items | 32 |
Time Frame/Recall Period | Past 2 Weeks |
Overall Score | Yes |
Sub scores/Subscales | Symptoms, Medication, Physical Activities, Emotion, Social Interactions, Positive Effects |
Ages | 12-17 |
Respondent | Self |
Languages | English |
Development Used Experts | Rutishauser 2001 |
Development Used Patient | Rutishauser 2001 |
Structural Validity | Rutishauser 2001 |
Internal Consistency | Rutishauser 2001 Tiggleman 2015 |
Test-Retest Reliability | Rutishauser 2001 Tiggleman 2015 |
Known Groups Validity | Rutishauser 2001 |
Convergent Validity with Other Measures | Rutishauser 2001 |
Responsive to Change | Rutishauser 2001 |
Measure Website | AAQOL | Adolescent Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire described in ePROVIDE ( |
Licensing | Yes |
Fees | Yes |