Aboriginal Children’s Health and Well-being Measure (ACHWM)

Generic measure

Measure domains: Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Mental

Summary of development: The Aboriginal Children’s Health and Well-Being Measure (ACHWM) was developed to enable Aboriginal health leaders to gather information on the health of children at a local community level. The measure aims to be culturally appropriate model of health and wellbeing for Aboriginal communities in Canada (Young, 2013). Its purpose is to provide Indigenous communities or organizations with an overview of the health and well-being status of the children and youth in their communities.

Focus groups were conducted to explore the concepts of health and well-being using storytelling, photovoice, and many opportunities to engage in activities. Through innovative methods, children and youth identified 206 concepts representing the 4 quadrants of the Medicine Wheel: emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental. These concepts were refocused, in collaboration with the community, to create a new 60-item measure of health and well-being that was primarily positive in focus.  The questionnaire was finalized after expert panels, advisory committee meetings, and community consultation.

Young, Nancy & Wabano, Mary & Burke, Tricia & Ritchie, Stephen & Mishibinijima, Debbie & Corbiere, Rita. (2013). A Process for Creating the Aboriginal Children's Health and Well-Being Measure (ACHWM). Canadian journal of public health. Revue canadienne de santé publique. 104. e136-41. 10.1007/BF03405677.

Additional information

PQL Condition


Number of Items


Time Frame/Recall Period


Measurement Type

Classical Test Theory

Overall Score


Sub scores/Subscales

Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Mental






English, Others

Development Used Experts

Young 2017, Young, 2013, Young, 2015

Development Used Patient

Young, 2013, Young, 2015, Young, 2017

Structural Validity

mixed evidence–Barbic, 2022

Internal Consistency

meets criteria–Young, 2016, mized evidence–Barbic, 2022

Test-Retest Reliability

meets criteria–Young, 2016

Inter-rater Agreement

None found

Known Groups Validity

meets criteria–Young, 2015

Convergent Validity with Other Measures

mixed evidence–Young, 2015

Divergent Validity with Other Measures

mixed evidence–Young, 2015

Responsive to Change

None found

Estimate of Important Difference

None found

Measure Website




