Pediatric Quality of Life
This curated set of instruments measure pediatric quality of life in generic as well as condition-specific contexts (e.g., pain, asthma). Each is described by condition/disease context, child age range, languages, and evidence of psychometric testing (e.g., validity and reliability). They can be compared by checking the “compare” button.
Showing 73–81 of 98 results
Pediatric Electronic Quality of Life Instrument for Children with Asthma (The Pelican)
Asthma-specific Measure domains: Symptoms, Triggers, Activity Limitation, Mental and Emotional Impact, and Impact on Social Life Summary of development: This pediatric asthma HRQoL instrument was developed in the Netherlands and is designed for children to answer electronically. The researchers to hold focus groups with asthmatic children to determine what aspects of HRQoL are important to them and analyze the common themes they observed. As a result of the focus group interviews, the researchers determined the most important issues were limitations of activities, symptoms, impact on social life, limitations due to environmental triggers, and mental and emotional impacts of the disease (van der Bemt 2010). The questionnaire is presented as a web-based computer game with questions that are read aloud. The measure was developed in Dutch and the only psychometric testing we found was also in Dutch, so not included here.
Pediatric Quality of Life (PedsQL) Asthma Module
Asthma-specific Measure domains: Asthma Symptoms, Treatment Problems, Worry, and Communication Summary of development: The PedsQL focuses on age-specific groups of children and self-report. The PedsQL can be used for healthy and chronically ill children – there is a generic module (see the generic PedsQL summary) and there are disease-specific modules for asthma, arthritis, cancer, cardiac disease, and diabetes. (Varni 2001,Varni 2004).
Pediatric Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (PQ-LES-Q)
Generic measure Measure domains: Health, mood/feelings, school/learning, helping at home, getting along with friends, getting along with family, play/free time, getting things done, love/affection, getting/buying things, place you live at, paying attention, energy level, feelings about yourself, global QoL Summary of development: TBD
Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL)
Generic measure Measure domains: Functioning: physical; emotional; social; school Infant (<2 years) Version Domains: Functioning: physical; emotional; social; cognitive; physical symptoms Summary of development: TBD
Personal Wellbeing Index- School Children (PWI-SC)
Generic measure Measure domains: Standard of living, health, life achievement, personal relationships, personal safety, community connectedness, future security, Global QoL Summary of development: TBD
Personal Wellbeing Index- School Children 8 items (PWI-SC-8)
Generic measure Measure domains: Standard of living, health, life achievement, personal relationships, personal safety, community connectedness, future security, food satisfaction Summary of development: TBD
Preschool Comprehensive Health Status Classification System (CHSCS-PS)
Generic measure Measure domains: Vision, Hearing, Speech, Mobility, Dexterity, Self-care, Emotion, Learning and Remembering, Thinking and Problem Solving, Pain, General Health and Behavior Summary of development: Studies aimed to develop a Multi-attribute Health Status Classification System (HSCS), to describe the functional health status of three-year old children, and to assess and report the overall health of preschool children (Saigal et al. 1998 & 2005). The HSCS-PS is a multidimensional measure of overall health, and existing systems such as HUI, Mark 2 & 3 were revised for application to a preschool population. It is important to note that health utility scales that are made in the econometric tradition, such as the CHSCS-PS, do not necessarily need psychometric testing such as internal consistency or structural validity. For these measures, other types of validity such as known groups validity and convergent validity may be useful.
Quality of Life Measure for Children aged 3-8 years (TedQL)
Generic measure Measure domains: Physical competence, peer acceptance, maternal acceptance, psychological functioning, cognitive functioning Summary of development: TBD
Quality of Life Profile: Adolescent Version (QOLPAV)
Generic measure Measure domains: Being (physical, psychological, spiritual), belonging (physical, social, community), becoming (practical, leisure, growth) Summary of development: TBD