Pediatric Quality of Life
This curated set of instruments measure pediatric quality of life in generic as well as condition-specific contexts (e.g., pain, asthma). Each is described by condition/disease context, child age range, languages, and evidence of psychometric testing (e.g., validity and reliability). They can be compared by checking the “compare” button.
Showing 82–90 of 98 results
Quality of Life Questionnaire for Adolescents (QOLQA)
Generic measure Measure domains: Physical, psychological, independence, social relationship, environment Summary of development: TBD
Quality of Life Questionnaire for Adolescents Taiwan (QOLQA-T)
Generic measure Measure domains: Family, residential environment, personal competence, social relationships, physical appearance, psychological well-being, pain Summary of development: TBD
Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children (QLQC)
Generic measure Measure domains: Physical: complaints, limitations, handicaps; Psychological: general well-being, cognitive, self-concept, anxious depressed Summary of development: TBD
Quality of Life Scale for Children (QoL-C)
Generic measure Measure domains: Moving, looking after myself, doing usual activities, having pain, feeling worried, sad or unhappy, global health, VAS Summary of development: TBD
Quality of Life Systemic Inventory for Children (QLSI-C)
Generic measure Measure domains: Physical, emotional, cognitive, social, family functioning Summary of development: TBD
Quality of Life Systemic Inventory for Children Tablet (QLSI-CT)
Generic measure Measure domains: Physical, emotional, cognitive, social, family functioning Summary of development: TBD
Quality of Well Being Scale (QWB)
Generic measure Measure domains: Mobility, physical activity, social activity, symptom problem complex Summary of development: TBD
Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (SLSS)
Generic measure Measure domains: No domain structure but includes a range of questions on life satisfaction Summary of development: TBD
TNO-AZL Child Quality of Life Questionnaire- Asthma (TACQOL- Asthma)
Asthma-specific Measure domains: Complaints, Situations, Emotions, Medication, and Treatment Summary of development: The TACQOL-Asthma instrument is designed as an additional module to the generic TACQOL measure. The asthma module was developed in Dutch and all psychometric testing we found was on Dutch samples, so they are not included in this summary.