Pediatric Quality of Life
This curated set of instruments measure pediatric quality of life in generic as well as condition-specific contexts (e.g., pain, asthma). Each is described by condition/disease context, child age range, languages, and evidence of psychometric testing (e.g., validity and reliability). They can be compared by checking the “compare” button.
Showing 82–88 of 88 results
TNO-AZL Questionnaires for Children’s Health-Related Quality of Life (TACQOL)
Generic measure Measure domains: Pain and symptoms, motor functioning, autonomy, cognitive functioning, social functioning, global positive emotional functioning, global negative emotional functioning Summary of development: TBD
TNO-AZL Questionnaires for Children’s Health-Related Quality of Life Informant Only (TACQOL)
Generic measure Measure domains: Pain and symptoms, motor functioning, autonomy, cognitive functioning, social functioning, global positive emotional functioning, global negative emotional functioning Summary of development: TBD
Toddler and Infant Quality of Life (TANDI)
Generic measure Measure domains: Movement, play, pain, relationships, communication, eating, general health VAS Summary of development: TBD
Warwick Child Health and Morbidity Profile (WCHMP)
Generic measure Measure domains: General health status, acute minor illness, behavioural, accident, acute significant illness, hospital admission, immunization, chronic illness, functional health, HRQoL Summary of development: TBD
World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief (WHO-QOL-BREF)
Generic measure Measure domains: Physical, psychological, social relationships, environmental, global QoL and health satisfaction Summary of development: TBD
Youth Quality of Life Research Version (YQoL-R)
Generic measure Measure domains: Sense of self, social relationships, environment, general quality of life Summary of development: TBD
Youth Quality of Life Surveillance Version (YQoL-S)
Generic measure Measure domains: Contextual, perceptual Summary of development: TBD