Our partners
The Emotional Well-being and Economic Burden Research Network (EMOT-ECON) advances research and generates new knowledge about the impact of economic burden of disease on emotional well-being.
The M3EWB Network: Mechanisms Underlying Mind-Body Interventions & Measurement of Emotional Well-Being researches the mechanisms by which mind-body interventions promote emotional well-being.
The Network for Emotional Well-being: Science, Practice, and Measurement (NEW-B) advances the scientific understanding of emotional well-being through measurement, synergies, and catalyzing research.
The Network for Emotional Well-being and Brain Aging (NEW Brain Aging) identifies the role of emotional well-being in the health of older adults, brain aging mechanisms, and connection to the risk of dementias.
The Plasticity of Well-Being Network refines and tests key concepts that advance the study of emotional well-being as well as develops innovative measures of the key pillars of well-being.