Asthma Therapy Assessment Questionnaire (ATAQ)
Measure domains: Control; Attitude/behavior, Self-efficacy, Patient-provider communication
Summary of development: Researchers used focus groups and experts to come up with the items for the measure. Parents of children with asthma were identified by a managed care organization through pharmacy claims and hospitalizations for asthma. The identified parents were mailed surveys and completed a follow-up telephone survey. Originally 20 items, it was reduced to 14, and there is a short version with 7 items.
Skinner EA, Diette GB, Algatt-Bergstrom PJ, et al. The asthma therapy assessment questionnaire (ATAQ) for children and adolescents. Dis Manage 2004;7(4):305-13.
Additional information
PQL Condition | Asthma |
Measurement Type | Classical Test Theory |
Number of Items | 14 |
Time Frame/Recall Period | A mix of current, past 4 weeks, and past 12 months |
Overall Score | Yes |
Sub scores/Subscales | Symptom Control Behavior/Attitude, Self-efficacy, Patient-provider communication |
Ages | 5-17 |
Respondent | Parent |
Languages | English, Spanish |
Development Used Experts | Skinner 2004 |
Development Used Patient | Skinner 2004 |
Internal Consistency | Skinner 2004 |
Known Groups Validity | Skinner 2004 Diette 2009 |
Convergent Validity with Other Measures | Skinner 2004 Chen 2008 |
Responsive to Change | Patel 2004 |
Measure Website | ePROVIDE™ – Online Support for Clinical Outcome Assessments ( |
Licensing | Copyrighted by Merck & Co |
Fees | A license agreement must be completed, and a user fee is required by all users (commercial & funded academic users), a screenshot review agreement must be signed by commercial users. Please submit a request. |